Thursday, August 13, 2009

Clumsy Me

I have never sprained my ankle or broken a bone. At my nephews birthday party last week I stepped off the curb wrong and thought that I had only twisted my ankle. It hurt really bad, but that night it didn't swell. So, I didn't put ice on it, but the next night it really swelled up. I should have taken pictures of it for your sympathy. I took it easy for a few days and iced/elevated it at night. I think I did sprain it afterall. By Sunday the swelling was gone. It has now been more than a week and most of the time it feels fine but every once in a while when I squat to do something or turn weird on it, it will start to hurt a little again. I wonder how long it will take for it to feel normal again. My husband thinks I have been a wimp about it. Oh well.


Chelsea said...

Yeah, guys always think we're being a wimp until they are in the same position. Then the world must come to an end and revolve around them!!! Just ignore him and get better! Love you!

Packrat said...

Amen on what Chelsea said. Be careful while it is still weak, okay? Take care of yourself. :)

Miriam said...

It is surprising how long it takes things like that to completely heal.

Ashley and Dave said...

you are a wimp. love you. ;)