First let me say that I am a dog person. I love dogs. We own a miniature schnauzer right now, and have had a black lab and bloodhound in the past (which aren't small breeds) so I know it wasn't the size that scared us. So I keep thinking about what we went through and wonder if I could have handled it differently to improve the outcome. This is what happened: the other evening the boys and I decided to ride our bikes to Austin's school so they could play on the toys. On the way there a weimaramer dog (which are suppose to be good dogs, good with kids,etc.) came running after us. I had Tate on the back of my bike and Austin was riding his own. At first I thought that he just wanted to run along side of us than he caught up to Austin and started nipping at him. He teeth came down on his arm but I wasn't sure how hard. He was crying saying that the dog had bit him. I told Austin to go as fast as he could and after we got up the road a bit we pulled over and I checked his arm. There was some scratches and teeth marks but the bite didn't break the skin. I think it mostly scared him. The boys had a lovely time playing at the school and then it was time to go home. I gave Austin the option of going around the long way which would be an extra couple of miles or to be brave and try to pass the house with the dog again. This time I was prepared and put Austin on the other side of the road and I rode closest to the house. As we came up on the house there was not just one but two dogs this time. My protective mother claws were out and they crossed me and started for Austin so I circled around and started yelling at them. One of the dogs started nipping at my feet and I got really scared and lifted up my legs, tried to kick their faces, and screamed loud. They were growling and weren't happy at this point. Luckily the owner heard me scream and called the dogs back to their house. I yelled at her to "keep her dang dogs away from my kid" which is very out of character for me, but I was trying to protect my child. Well, did I overreact? Maybe if I stopped my bike to pet the dogs and let Austin ride ahead it would have been better. Then again, they might have really taken after him and I would have been too far behind to defend him. I think we will just hop in the car next time we want to play at the school.
I would have been pissed! DO you remember when we lived in those townhouses in IF and we shared a backyard with some people who had a dog and there was poop everywhere and it would do the same thing to Kinsey...it never actually bit her, but would run and bark right in her face. Needless to say we didnt use our backyard much :(
Anyways, if their dogs are biting people, they really need to be chained up! That whole situation could have turned out much worse.
I don't blame you! I've a couple of very scary situations with dogs, although I love dogs. When you get scared for yourself and/or your kid we tend to over-react. However dogs are the same way...who knows how they would have reacted if the owner hadn't come out. I'm just glad it all turned out and nobody was hurt!
I don't know if the rules are different in the country or not, but dogs shouldn't be allowed to get out of their yards! Don't know what you could have done any differently in that situation - glad no one was hurt!
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