Saturday, February 7, 2009

Go Go Go

There is always something to do everynight it seems. Austin asked the question yesterday, "Why to we always have to go go go...can't we just go home?" I don't blame him. I am more of a home body myself but there is always so much to do. Monday was my newphews birthday, Tuesday was gymnastics, Wednesday was Lost Night at Ashleys...and on and on. Spencer is gone to Nebraska, but was suppose to come home last night. His flight couldn't land in IF because of the fog so he was redirected to Boseman, MT. A week before that he was in Lithuania for 2 weeks. I feel like a single mom must feel. I have to work today so thank goodness DeeAnn was here to watch the boys until Spencer arrives. We are living in a trailer in the Archer area right now. The original plans were to sell our other house and live off the equity while Spencer went back to school, but we found this steal of a deal out here in Archer. It is a manufactured home (where we would live) and an old house (that we would rent out). The old house needs some renovations before we can rent it out. Since we have been renting we have been saving up to fix it up. The manufactured home is almost twice the size of our other house and we are excited for the space. We have been approved, but we are still working on the paperwork. Spencer has been accepted at BYUI but we are still waiting to see what track they will put him on. Cross your fingers for Fall/Winter since he will be majoring in Mechanical Engineering and that is when most of his classes are offered.


Miriam said...

Oh hey! A new post! I had about decided you'd forgotten you had a blog! But I know how busy you are. Good luck with the college thing for Spencer and your paper work for your house. Keep us posted!

Chelsea said...

I can somehow picture Austin having that conversation with you. Such a big boy! Hope things slow down a little bit for you! Just think...only a few month to the cruise. Make sure you guys have your birth certificates!

Tom said...

I don't understand how they could put Spencer on a track that he wouldn't be able to take all his classes. Isn't the point of the university to make graduates, not students?