Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ride to the park

As a reward Austin gets to ride his bike to the park when he keeps his underwear dry all day. We all decided to join him the other day. The pictures were pretty cute so I thought I would share them.


Ashley and Dave said...

YEA for Blogging!

Chelsea said...

About freakin' time! I'm so glad you're doing this now! At least I'll have a way to see you cute little kids grow up except once a year or so!

Miriam said...

You've had this blog since June 29th and I'm just hearing about it now? I'm with Chelsea - it's about time - we miss too much if we don't have this type of access to your lives! How do we hook up a link through the Borg Blog? Everyone else is there and I don't think I put them there - I wouldn't know how :) Wonderful photos, I'm going to look forward to your weekly posts! Grandma is happy!!

Janssen said...

Yay! You have a blog!

Nina G said...

I've found you too! Nice to have you in blogland!!!!