Monday, November 29, 2010

Duckie Blankie

My younger son is really attached to his blankie. I think it started about the time we took his binkie away. He likes to have it when he sleeps so when he is at my sister-in-laws house during the day he will ask for it for his nap. My husband thinks we should get rid of it. But I just think that is mean since he is only two. It does get kind of gross if I don't wash it at least once a week because he likes to chew on it. My older son and I never had anything like this for comfort so I'm not sure if it would tramatize him if we took it away. Plus he is so cute when he is cuddling with it and he is even cuter when he asks for it. I remember when my little sister would throw fits if she didn't have her 'DyDy' and I could really do without that drama. I think it would be better to let him naturally outgrow it, but what if he doesn't and is still wanting his blankie when he is 10? Any advise would be helpful.


Ashley and Dave said...

I still miss my dyedye.
Hey, so I would let him keep it for now. If he is just using it for naps then what is the big deal? Just make sure he is over it before he goes to kindergarten and I think you will be okay ;)

Unknown said...

I don't think it's a big deal either. My oldest had a blanket also. We accidentally left it at a hotel and that was the end of that. I think he was about 3...

Miriam said...

I think we stress over the oddest things some times, the world will keep turning if a 2 year old has a favorite blanket! Even if he's 10, if it gives him comfort....wish all problems could be cured so easily :)

Chelsea said...

No advice whatsoever. But he sure looks adorable with it!

Tara said...

I think it is wonderful that he can comfort himself with his blankie! What a great kid! Connor was very attached to his, extremely! He is 5 1/2 now and he only has it around him in bed at night and in the early morning hours and beyond that it is forgotten....everywhere! Sometimes that is a problem because we have to hunt it down—behind the couch, in the office, between the bed and the wall etc. When Connor turned 3 or 4, pretty sure it was 4, we told Connor that that the blankie was nocturnal and needed to sleep in his bed during the daytime. He had a thing for owls so it worked somehow, go figure! This solved the problem of taking it with us to the store etc. We set some ground rules that we both agreed on and he was fine with it.
I think kids naturally grow out of these things. He thinks of it less and less everyday and trust me, he started out way more obsessed with his "rubber blankie" than your son! He has reached the point where he forgets to ask for it at bed time.

Jaden, 2 1/2, is totally in love with his as well and I am glad. I think it helps him sleep through the night better.

By the way, sorry we missed the birthday party. How did it go?